After a lot of experiences and a life together, your sofa and you must have "the conversation" because its upholstery is not what it used to be, and its appearance has been losing splendor over the years. And so the time has come to consider whether to buy a new sofa or to reupholster our old adventurous companion. The decision is never easy to make, because you have to weigh up many factors that we present below.


Minerva 16 Collection (Sofa) · Samira 16 (Armchair) · Otaru 323 and Moon 323 (Cushions) of the Fashion Book 17 by Visual Textures from Aquaclean.

OPTION 1: New armchair or sofa


· PROS. In favour of buying a new armchair or sofa we have the indisputable fact of being able to access more modern structures with new assembly technologies that make it more practical, compared to what we already have. Besides, who doesn’t like having something totally new and different?

· CONS. In contrast, we have the difficult decision of choosing what type of sofa suits our living room more, and hence a lot of questions are derived that often are not easy to answer: what size, what style, what colour, what finishes, etc. Though most of these issues we already covered with our old sofa, so are actually less of a headache.


Collection Lugano 03 (Sofa) Merida 02 and Lugano 12 (Pouf and Cushions) of Fashion Book 16-17 by Rustika from Aquaclean.

OPTION 2: Reupholster


· PROS. In favour of our life-long sofa, we have on the one hand, that if we made a good purchase at the time and its structure is still in good condition, we can buy something of a similar quality, though today much more expensive. It may also be that we love the style, size and shape and it goes perfectly with the rest of our home decoration, which makes it impossible for us to separate from it.

· CONS. We probably have to be very knowledgeable as technology always advances, so we can miss certain new features that the new armchairs and fabrics currently offer us.


As I'm still in love with my sofa, in the end, I reupholster! But if the pros and cons have not helped you much, and the love for your old sofa is bigger than the excitement of brand new one, so what happens to you is that you do not want to change it and reupholstering it is the best idea. Because not only do we modernize it and eliminate the damage that the years have caused in its fabric, but we can also achieve a new style that totally changes the overall appearance of the room, benefiting from certain innovative technologies applied to new upholstery fabrics such as protection against fire, easy cleaning and maintenance, and even control over scratches and fraying caused by our pets.

So, what fabric do I choose to reupholster?

Well, as we always tell you, the variety of fabrics to reupholster that you can find on the market today is very wide. Natural fabrics such as cotton or linen offer a great resistance and a very pleasant texture for any time of year. In addition, these two types of fabric, have a wide range of colours and designs that will surely match your tastes and the decoration of your home.


Collection Marina 116 (Sofa) Marina 117 and Aneto 04 (Cushions) of Fashion Book 16-17 by Rustika from Aquaclean.

And what about style?


With regard to style there is nothing written. It depends on if you want to break and radically change from what you had until now, or if you prefer to continue with something similar. Current trends display a most varied range in styles. From Nordic minimal, to styles such as seventies geometries, floral motifs, stripes or strings of bright colours such as fuchsia pink or orange, to break the daily monotony.

Use and cleaning

When it comes to use, it is important to know what will happen with the sofa. We refer to if we are going to buy a sofa and it will be used in an "adult" and orderly way, or if on the hand, it will be the center of games for children and pets.


Marine Collection 160 (Sofa) Aneto 04 (Cushions) of Fashion Book 16-17 by Rustika from Aquaclean.

In this case, we must take into account the cleaning and maintenance of the fabric you choose, as it is very common to suffer accidents related to occasional stains of everyday life such as food, dirt, drool etc. over a long period of time.

To avoid this and to live a happier and quieter life we recommend our Aquaclean® Technology, which will help you clean any stain from the upholstery in three easy steps with just a little water.

Now you have you seen how to choose a new sofa or how to reupholster the old one, it’s not so difficult. It's just a question of knowing what you want and how you want it... Simple, right?