Privacy Policy
Bosna i Hercegovina


Inversiones Industriales Serpis S.L. (hereinafter, the Company) is especially concerned to protect Users' personal data when accessing our website services. Through this Privacy Policy (hereinafter, the Policy) the company hereby informs Users of our websites:, on the uses for which personal data collected on the website are subject, so you can decide freely and voluntarily if you wish to provide the information we request.

The company reserves the right to modify this Policy in order to adapt it to new legislation, jurisprudential criteria, industry practices, or interests of the company. Any modification of the website will be duly announced in advance, so that users are kept informed of its content.


The Controller or party responsible for processing data of a personal nature is: Inversiones Industriales Serpis S.L.

Address: Ctra. Alicante 76, 03801 Alcoy (Alicante) Spain




Users' personal data are subject to processing by the companies Inversiones Industriales Serpis; Antecuir; Interfabrics; Aquaclean Poland; Serpiscolor; Pascual y Bernabeu; Grafer and Textiles Pascual; hereinafter, Grupo Aquaclean. The purpose of data retrieval is:

  1. Customer and Supplier Management for Grupo Aquaclean.
  2. Provision of services requested.
  3. Management of sales through our website.
  4. User participation in commercial promotions, discount bonuses, etc.
  5. Generating statistics and market studies.
  6. Sending commercial communications.


Personal data supplied will be kept for the corresponding period to comply with all legal obligations, or until deletion is requested by the interested party and the latter is authorised to do so.


The Company is authorised to process personal data, based on the consent granted by the interested party for one or more specific purposes, as set forth in Article 6 paragraph 1. a) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR).
This website includes hyperlinks (links) that allow visitors to be transferred to other websites. The Company accepts no responsibility regarding the data protection policy that may be adopted on such sites.


Grupo Aquaclean does not provide data to any third parties except in cases where this is necessary for the  organisation of certain activities, or the provision of services. 
In any case, all planned provisions are regulated by contractual subscriptions and receiving parties may not use the information provided for any other purpose than those established by Grupo Aquaclean.


In all cases, data subjects may exercise their rights pursuant to the GDPR, which are:

  • Right to access personal data by the data subject.
  • Right to request rectification or erasure (right to be forgotten).
  • Right to restriction of processing.
  • Right to object to processing.
  • Right to data portability.

Data subjects may exercise these rights by sending a request accompanied by a photocopy of their ID document, specifying which of these requests they are making, using the address:
Ctra de Alicante, 76 03801
Alcoy (Alicante) SPAIN

of using the email address


Grupo Aquaclean applies appropriate technical and organisational measures to guarantee a level of security appropriate to corresponding risks.


You are hereby informed that uses analytical cookies to obtain information about browsing experiences, most frequently used sections, products consulted, time zone of use, language, etc., and technical cookies to improve website functionality. For more information, see our Cookies Policy. (link to Cookies Policy)


The Company reserves the right to modify this policy to adapt it to legislative or jurisprudential developments, as well as any changes derived from standard codes in the industry or due to corporate reasons.

Such changes will be communicated as early as necessary on our website, without prejudice to any requests for consent that may be necessary from parties being affected when such consent is considered not to have been granted pursuant to the terms of this policy.

Any doubts, questions or comments you might have with reference to this regulation may be consulted by writing to us at


Please read the following legal notice regarding the website of carefully.

1.1. Identifying data of the Information Society Service Provider

Pursuant to section 10 of [Spanish] Act 34/2002 of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Mail, we hereby provide you with the following information:
This website is the property of:
Inversiones Industriales Serpis S.L.
VAT Reg. No.: ESB-53329173
Registered offices:  Ctra de Alicante, 76 03801 Alcoy (Alicante)Spain

1.2. Acceptance and validity of the general and special terms

Both browsing and using this website and/or ordering any products offered on it gives you the status of a User and presupposes your full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the General Terms and, if relevant, any special terms in force at the time you access the website as a User.
The Company reserves the right to expand and modify unilaterally, at any time and without prior notice, the presentation, configuration and contents of this website, as well as to temporarily suspend presentation, configuration, technical specifications and services of the website, at any given time.


2.1. User Obligations

In general, Users undertake to comply with the present terms and conditions of use, and always to act in accordance with Law, good customs and good faith, using all due diligence as to the nature of the services they are using, while abstaining from using this website in any way that may prevent, damage or impair its normal functioning, or the property or rights of the owner Inversiones Industriales Serpis S.L. or other Users and, in general, of all third parties.
In particular, and without limitation or restriction to the obligations accepted by Users in general in accordance with the foregoing section, Users undertake, when using this website, vis-à-vis the Company Inversiones Industriales Serpis S.L.:

  • If a "User Name" has been provided, Users must properly safeguard said "User Name" and "Password" as provided by Inversiones Industriales Serpis S.L., as these are personal identifiers that enable access to the various services offered on the website, and Users agree not to assign their use or to allow third parties to access them at any time, accepting all responsibility for any damages that may arise from improper use.
  • Not to introduce, store or disseminate on or from the website any information or material that may be defamatory, libellous, obscene, threatening, xenophobic, inciting to violence or discrimination based on race, sex, ideology, religion or which may in any other way violate morals, public order, fundamental rights, public liberties, honour, privacy or the identity or image of third parties and, in general, anything that might violate current Spanish regulations and those of their country of residence.
  • Not to introduce, store or disseminate via the website any computer programme, data, virus, code, or any other file that is likely to cause damage or any kind of alteration of the website, in any of its services, or any of its equipment, systems or networks, company name, or any User name, or in general those of any third party, which may prevent the normal operation of this website.
  • Not to destroy, alter, use for any other use, disable or damage data, information, programmes, electronic documents, or, in general, files, Company name or names of Users or third parties.

The Company may, at any time and without prior notice, modify these General Terms, as well as any Special Terms that may be included, by publishing said modifications on the website so as to make them known to Users.

2.2. Waiver

The Company grants no guarantee for, nor is it liable for, damages of any kind that may be caused by:

  • In general, inappropriate use of this website. Users must make appropriate use of the website, in accordance with the terms and conditions stated above, and the Owner accepts no liability for any improper use thereof.
  • Regarding possible technical deficiencies. The Company accepts no responsibility for any alterations in the service that may occur due to failures in the power network, in the data connection network, in servers or in any other provider services.
  • Regarding access by third parties to your system. The Company implements all necessary technical precautions to protect the data and information being accessed, but cannot accept any responsibility for third-party actions that may breach the established security measures and access such data.
  • The Company continually invests in technological measures to minimise the risk of viruses and similar software, and other unauthorized contents in its information systems. Notwithstanding this, Users should be aware that they must adopt their own measures aimed at minimising damage caused by unauthorised software, viruses, Trojans and any all other kinds of so-called malware, and hereby exempt the Company from any liability that may arise in the containment of malware in processing data retrieved from this website.

2.3. Use of Links

Internet Users who want to link their own websites to the Company Website must comply with the conditions set forth below without ignoring any other responsibilities derived from Law.
Links must only be made to the home or main page of the Website and shall not reproduce it in any way (inline links, copy of texts, graphics, etc.). In all cases it is forbidden, pursuant to applicable legislation in force at any time, to create frames of any kind affecting the Website or allow its contents to be displayed through Internet addresses different from those of this Website and, in all cases, when viewed together with content unrelated to the Website anything that may: (i) produce, or does produce, error, confusion or deception in Users as to the true origin of the service or contents being offered; (ii) be construed as an act of comparison or unfair imitation; (iii) be used to take advantage of the reputation of the brand and prestige of the Company name; or (iv) be prohibited in any other way under current legislation.
The page containing the link shall not make any type of false, inaccurate or incorrect statement about the Company, its address, employees, clients or about the quality of the services it provides.
In no case may the page where the link is located state that the Company has given its consent for the insertion of the link or that it otherwise sponsors, collaborates, verifies or supervises the services of that website.
The use of any denomination or brand, graphic or mixed trademark or any other distinctive sign or Company name within the sender's page is forbidden except in cases permitted by law or expressly authorised by the Company and provided that, in these cases, a direct link to the Website is permitted in the way set forth in this clause.
Any page establishing a link must faithfully comply with the Law and may not under any circumstances make available or link to its own content or that of third parties which: (i) are unlawful, harmful or contrary to morals and good customs (pornographic, violent, racist, etc.); (ii) induce or may induce in the User the false conception that the Company subscribes, endorses, adheres to or in any way supports the ideas, statements or expressions, legal or illegal, of the provider; (iii) are inappropriate or unrelated to the activity of the Company in respect of place, contents and theme of the provider's website. Likewise, Users shall refrain from including on the Website any hyperlink (hereinafter, "link") addressed to a web page that contains illegal information or content, content contrary to good morals and generally-accepted good customs, or to the public order.

2.4. Industrial and Intellectual Property

The structure, design and presentation form of elements available on this Website (graphics, images, photographs, samples and materials shown, industrial technologies, files, logos, colour combinations and any element susceptible to protection) are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights owned by the Company or or used in accordance with corresponding rights of use having been obtained.
It is therefore forbidden to reproduce, transform, distribute, communicate publicly, make available to the public and, in general, use in any other way, partially or totally, the elements referred to in the previous section. Any publication on other websites or in other digital or written media requires the express consent of the website owner, and, in all cases, must explicitly refer to the ownership of the mentioned intellectual property rights pertaining to Inversiones Industriales Serpis S.L..
The use of distinctive signs (trademarks, trade names) is not allowed, unless expressly authorised by their legitimate owners.
Unless expressly authorised by Inversiones Industriales Serpis S.L. no links to "final pages" or "frames" or any other similar treatment is allowed. Links must always be to the main page or home page of the Website.

2.5. Jurisdiction and applicable legislation

These General Conditions are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction.
Both the Company and all Users, regardless of their domicile, expressly waive any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, and submit themselves to the Jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the town of ALCOY (Alicante), Spain, for any controversies that may arise or any court actions taken regarding the provision of this web service, and its services and contents, or for any interpretation, application, compliance or non-compliance of the provisions established herein.

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