Having a big house in a big city is not always possible, and many of us don't even want one like that. Big cities offer a very wide variety of leisure and cultural pursuits that often convince us to sacrifice on square metres in exchange for more amenities in a given area.
Whether it's a matter of price or choice, many of us don't have much of a choice to live in flats or apartments that are not very big. But living in a small flat doesn't mean we should do without one of the most important comforts that any home can boast: a comfortable and cosy armchair or sofa.
Naomi (514) and Matsue (514) collections from Book 16 of Visual Textures by Aquaclean.
Whether our home is big or small, we all need to have a living room or lounge where we can spend our free time with our loved ones in the greatest comfort and enjoyment possible. And of course we want to be surrounded by style and good taste as well. Are we asking too much? Well, no, N-O for no, for sure. Today we'd like to show you 5 solutions for small lounges. Take note, coz they're great!
The Chester... a classic
A real classic, and today more fashionable than ever... Just look at all of them on TV recently. These sofas of English origin, born in the 19th century, imitated some of the most expensive three-piece suites of their day. They became so well accepted that they managed to find a sure-fire place on the market, and are now masterpieces in their own right. The good thing about this type of sofa is that they come in so many sizes, so it's easy to fit them into smaller spaces, plus they're very easy to combine with because you can find Chesters in virtually all colour and textures. Style, class and size... What more could you ask for?
The sofa-bed... an essential acquisition
If you're looking for maximum space benefits, there's nothing to compete with a sofa-bed.
This practical sofa is a great option for those who sometimes receive guests but don't have an extra room available. And just like the Chesterfields, they come in a variety of finishes and sizes to choose from.
When we talk about sofa-beds, it usually brings to mind those horribly thin mattresses we had to sleep on when we visited our grandparents in some remote town, right? Nothing could be further from reality today, because everything is now modernised, and sofa-beds are no exception – fortunately. The technology in structures and systems has evolved so much that you won't be able to tell a real bed from a sofa bed today. Seeing is believing... we know!
Armchairs... one each?
There are two of you at home, and there's only room for one sofa, but you both like lying down and enjoying your own space. Well, why not two armchairs, instead of one sofa? Two armchairs are the perfect choice for enjoyment without having to fight over your elbow space. In addition, there's a wide lineup of recliners that allow you to stretch your legs out while occupying the minimum space without bothering the person next to you.
Solara 12 and Vera 02 from collections from Book 15-16 from Rustika by Aquaclean.
Modular units... another good solution.
These are one of the options we like the most. With modular units you can play around with your available space and adjust it to your needs, since these pieces are movable and combinable. That's why if you love changing things around every now and then, this is surely an option you should look at carefully.
Two-seater + armchair... quite practical.
Finally, don't forget this possibility, which may be difficult in small spaces, but not impossible. You can combine a two-seater sofa with an armchair next to it. This is how you get three available seats without the need for the sheer size of a three-seater sofa. In addition, you gain in comfort and independence, so it's a good option to take into account.
As you can see, living in a small flat doesn't mean you have to lose all hope of enjoying a spectacular armchair, or sofa, with all the glamour and taste you really want. We have only given you 5 options, but there are many more... Just let your imagination take wing.